What is the name of the company and nature of the company business in the video?
Standing Sushi Bar.
What is the objectives of the video?
To find out how companies use social media to expand their company.
How does the company make use new media technology for improving business? (Give some examples that the business owner mentioned in the video)
Which are the social media that the company use, and what is the benefits of the social media that the company use?
Twitter. Monitor feedbacks. What people are saying about the industry in general.
Who are the targeted audiences for the company? How does new social media benefits these targeted audiences?
Professional crowd. Indirect marketing. Spreading of offers and promotions.
What is Chalkboard, and how it works?
Location-based advertising solution. Updates discounts, promotions, and events of the restaurants near them. Works like adSense.
How does Chalkboard connects people?
Move the ads from mobile phones to web. Integrate the web with social media.
What are the critical success factors for using Chalkboard application?
Promote the app so that more people are using it. Consistent updates on promotions.
What are the rules and trends for SMEs when using online social media technologies?
1. Is a must to use social media
2. Respond well to critiques
3. Look for new avenues for advertising
1. More people using smart phones
2. Low technology marketing costs
3. Personalized key messages