Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Digital Marketing Campaign

1. What is the name of the company and nature of the company business in the video?

Upfront Media - Consultancy firm which offers marketing solutions, advertising plans to boost sales

2. What are some of the strategies that the company would implement for the New Media campaign for their clients?

Find out whether the company is ready and is suited for the social environment.
Eg: If a company wants sales in short term (3 months), it does not need social. Social is for long term engagement - nurture people, relationship with clients.

3. How does the company determines which social media tools that is appropriate for the clients' branding?

Restaurant with specials - Twitter
Community - Facebook
Videos (How-to) - YouTube

4. Give the example that the company stated as the successful digital marketing campaign.

All Old Spice Odor Blocker Commercials

5. What are the Marketing strategy that the company mentioned to gain customer loyalty?

Conversation with customers. Customers feedbacks/responses.
Tracking how many people visit the site and how many came back.

6. What did the video mentioned about succeeding in social media marketing?

Think long term, know your target audience, and take critique seriously

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